Monday, July 26, 2010

New Guest Author!

I've told you about my pretty friend Gretchen before, but never have you gotten to sample her poetry stylings before!

To be completely honest, it's actually a team effort here: she and Griffin (husband) worked on them together. We well now refer to this duo as Greffin and/or Gritchen. But probably mostly Greffin.

What a treat for you. And for me. A treat for us all.

Hello Mr. Pug
We love your cute scrunchy face
and your curly tail.

[They want a pug, can you tell?]

Thanks you guys!


Griffin and Gretchen said...

yay for greffin!

Brittany said...

bahaha. love them.

come back to utah puhlease.

still llooooving this great project mel.